Using Paloose with Joomla!

Paloose can be used alongside Joomla! to enhance the capability of both. Joomla! is a popular Content Management System. It provides considerable hooks to extend it, both thematically and functionally. Paloose provides a means of adding to Joomla! complex XML processing based on the Cocoon approach.

Until the plugin is loaded onto the Joomla! site (which will happen when it has been fully tested) the following instructions are for those who want to try the plugin and are happy to load the latest version here and install it manually.

Please use at your own risk as this is a very beta version. More documentation is in preparation

Using the Paloose Joomla plugin

The plugin is called from a template or article file using the following syntax:

{paloose link="[uri path string]" query="[query string]"}


For example if the template has the following line

{paloose link="concerts.html" query="year=2009"}

the following pipeline would match and the request parameter concertYear would be set to "year=2009".

<map:match pattern="concerts.html"> <map:generate src="context://content/data/concerts.xml" label="concerts-content"/> <map:transform src="context://resources/transforms/extractConcerts.xsl"> <map:parameter name="who" value="{request-param:concertYear}"/> </map:transform> <map:serialize type="xml"/> </map:match>

The original calling line would be replaced by the XML (XHTML) returned from Paloose. Note that the serializer must be XML not XHTML as Paloose returns a XHTML scrap, not a full HTML document.

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